This section of the site is devoted to a hopefully ever-expanding number of articles with the
goal to "wold" (that's a creative mythographer-centric verb for bring into the Wold Newton
Universe) various characters, concepts, movies, TV series, novels, comic book
characters/series, video game storylines, toy-based characters, advert-based characters,
etc., as explicated on the Home page. Some of these articles will be courtesy of me, others
will be provided by contributors. The criteria for submission are likewise provided on the Home
But before you move onto the articles...
One question you're likely to have is, "Why do you refer to Marvel Comics in this timeline (and
certain articles on this site) as 'Marvels Comics,' with the 's' at the end of 'Marvel'?" The answer is
actually quite simple. In the context of the comics about Marvel characters published within the MU,
the company is referred to as Marvels Comics, not "Marvel." This was established in 2000 when
Marvel published a series of one-shot comics that depicted how comics about its various characters
appear within the MU itself, the flagship title of this line referred to as The History of Marvels Comics,
as seen here, with two examples of the individual issues of the line being here and here. Hence,
it's my conjecture that within the WNU, the comic company is likewise known as Marvels Comics, as
it includes much of the same disinformation and "made up" factoids that appear in the MU versions of
those comics (and also in the DC Comics of the WNU, of course).
Article Categories
Article POV Legend: Red = in-universe perspective Blue = out-universe perspective
Hawkman by Christofer Nigro-- The story of the generations of heroes to wear the mantle of the hawk through the decades, as well as the full story of their connection to the world of Thanagar, the nature of nth metal, and the other winged heroes to emerge from the early 20th century to the present, and into the future.
There Must Always Be a Holmes in Baker Street by James Bojaciuk-- In this first of two addendums to his forthcoming book on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events in the Wold Newton Universe (The Pretentious Papers), James explores the startling reason behind, and connections between, the numerous Sherlock Holmes pastiches that have appeared in various mediums following the "death" of the Great Detective as reported in Doyle's story "The Final Solution." This article will answer questions like, "Who was that guy portrayed as Sherlock Holmes in the classic Universal films?" and "What's up with the plethora of individuals passing themselves off as 'Sherlock Holmes' throughout the 20th century, and right up to the present as depicted on Elementary?"
Wrangling the Canon: Adapting Sherlock and Elementary into the Wold Newton Universe (Without Harming Holmes Himself) by James Bojaciuk-- In the second of two addendum articles to his forthcoming book on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events in the Wold Newton Universe (The Pretentious Papers), James takes on the task of wolding two recent and problematic TV interpretations of the Great Detective. Here a particular emphasis is placed upon the possible connections between the various individuals calling themselves Watson, James Moriarity, and Irene who seem to occur with prominent regularity in the lives of the various Holmesian pastiches.
Captain Hook at Eton by J. M. Barrie, transcribed by James Bojaciuk-- This classic blast from the past describes the life history of the infamous pirate nemesis of Peter Pan from the pen of the writer who created both. This article was re-formatted and edited a bit by regular contributor James Bojaciuk, and a bit more by yours truly, to make it more reader-friendly to contemporary cyberspace-surfing viewers, but the full crux of Barrie's text (including his classic Briticisms and spelling preferences) have been preserved!
Correspondence on Ayesha by Andrew Lang, transcribed by James Bojaciak. This transcription treats readers to some rather startling revelations about the enigmatic immortal femme fatale Ayesha, also known as She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, whose very long life was chronicled by H. Rider Haggard.
Living A Situationally Comedic Life in the Wold Newton Universe by Christofer Nigro--The author's main arguments for including sitcoms in the Wold Newton Universe, such as why a small minority of individuals and families in the Wold Newton Universe routinely experience comical life situations, and why he believes such characters can co-exist in the same reality as dramatic characters like pulp heroes and villains.
TO ERR in STORYTELLING is HUMAN: WHY EVENT ACCURACY in a STORY CAN OFTEN BE SUSPECT by Christofer Nigro-- The author explains why creative mythographers should sometimes question the accuracy of sporadic details in the stories, movies, TV shows, or video game scenarios they research for inclusion in the schema of the Wold Newton Universe (or any other alternate universe, for that matter), and some common errors that authors in our universe make when chronicling events, dialogue, and dates "occurring" in other universes.