* See the file "Dracula Lives," author unconfirmed but quite possibly Stan
Birth of Adam Van Helsing to Conrad and Ruth Van Helsing.
Dracula-Mordante is revived by the Cult of Chaos, who serve the
Lovecraftian entity of enormous power known as Azathoth--whom they
refer to as the "mad god Chaos."* Chaos implants further false
memories in this soul-clone's psyche in common with those the Old One
placed in the psyche of Vampirella: An apocryphal origin as an
extraterrestrial humanoid being on a distant planet known as "Drakulon,"
whose native winged and fanged race took sustenance from the naturally
flowing rivers of hemoglobin extant on that bogus world.
These memory implants would shift and alter somewhat from time to time
as the Mordante Clone struggled to make sense of the conflict between
his original human memories and personality, the superimposed psyche
and memories of Dracula-Prime, and the new false memories implanted
by Chaos.
Dracula-Mordante then becomes a servant and worshiper of Chaos, and
also the leader of the various global Cults of Chaos. In this
capacity, he comes into possession of the cult's book of powerful magick
known as the Crimson Chronicles.
Later this year, hoping to create a progeny whose adulthood would
coincide with the 1970s, an era where many demonically spawned
half-humans whose purpose was to serve as rival contenders for the
exalted Anti-Christ being prophesied to help his/her sire take
over the world at the Millennium, Dracula-Mordante sires a dhampir son
by biting a pregnant woman and infecting her unborn child with his
vampiric enzymes. The child was born Alex Lucard, a human/vampire
hybrid who possesses a dangerous bloodlust, though his human mother
finds a way to suppress it making her son wear a blessed cross pendant
at all times.**
* This was very likely the same entity known as "Chaos" who factored into
the history of Dracula-Mathias, and who battled the warrior Soma Cruz.
** See Gary Friedrich's file "Son of Dracula," published in Fright #1 by
Atlas/Seaboard Comics.
Experimenting with the magickal forces afforded him from the Crimson
Chronicles, Dracula-Mordante experiments with a new way to create
soul-clones of his own: He seduces a human woman named Amy
Adams, who unbeknownst to her, was a month and a half pregnant with a
child that the Vampire Lord's magicks had perceived would be a boy in
perfect health (save for being somewhat hearing impaired after his birth).
During the sex act with Adams, Dracula-Mordante projects a portion of
his essence into her unborn fetus, assuring that her child would be born
as something akin to a partial soul-clone, enabling Dracula-Mordante's
persona to take over the boy's mind and body while conferring certain
(though not all) of his undead powers upon the boy.
Several months later, Amy Adams gives birth to her Dracula soul-clone
of a soul-clone, Steve.
Birth of Jessica Van Helsing to Kurt and Anna Van Helsing.
Birth of Hank Summers to James and Anna Summers.
Helen Rossi, a descendent of Vlad Tepes, begins her travels through
Istanbul alongside a man named Paul, the former student of her late
father, Prof. Bartholomew Rossi. This leads them on a dangerous cat
and mouse chase throughout Eastern Europe with a vampiric lackey of
the Dracula-Pan soul-clone, who is posing as a librarian,
after they discover that this librarian abducted Prof. Rossi when his
scholarly studies came too close to revealing the secret location of
Dracula-Pan's tomb.
They ultimately trace the tomb of Dracula-Pan to a
monastery called Sveti Georgi, which is located in Bulgaria. There they
do not find the Vampire Lord, but they do find the now vampirized
Bartholomew Rossi, whom they are forced to slay, but not before he
reveals that this particular Dracula soul-clone is also a scholar who has a
secret library (this fact goes a long way towards explaining why this
particular man was turned into a soul-clone).
Helen and Paul then move to the United States together, get
married, and have a daughter whose name has yet to be revealed.*
* See Elizabeth Kostova's report The Historian.
Mexico El Santo (a.k.a., the Saint, a.k.a., Samson), the latest in a long
family tradition of silver-masked heroes, thwarts the plans of
Dracula-Delgado’s Mexican Vampire Women.*
Dracula-Delgado. Photo courtesy of El Santo Museum.
Other occasional reformed or harmless monsters of various sorts are
Transylvania Agents from the criminal organization known as
T.H.R.U.S.H stage an operation in Castle Dracula. They are foiled in their
plans by L.O.A.D. agent Forest J. Ackerman, Zoltan Dracula, and two
agents from the spy agency known as U.N.C.L.E.
his artificial memory synapses are severely damaged, so he has no
Click here to read JAIME'S STORY at James Sherrard's THE BIONIC
Further, see Ray Austin and Michael Sloan's file THE RETURN OF
Later this year, the second bio-synthetic Frankenstein Monster created
by the Ummoans and sequestered in suspended animation in the Arctic
(see entry for 1795), is finally activated (it probably wasn't a coincidence
that this activation occurred at around the same time Frank Stone was
reactivated from his own suspended animation, as this was the time when
the Ummoans were launching a covert attempt to take over the Earth****).
The Frankendroid 2, unlike the Frankendroid 1 (a.k.a., Frank Stone),
was fully under the control of the Ummoans' destructive programming,
and the deadly synthoid hitched a ride on a scientific freighter back to
America. Upon arriving, the Synthoid Monster ended up battling the
team of posthuman misfits known as the "Legion of the Strange," who
ultimately destroyed the Frankendroid 2 for good.*****
**** See Paul Naschy's file ASSIGNMENT: TERROR (a.k.a., DRACULA
VS. FRANKENSTEIN) for most of the story behind the Ummoan invasion
of the late 1960s.
***** See Roy Thomas' file "The Mark of the Monster", published in X-Men
Vol. 1 #40 by Marvels Comics. The depiction of events in this story was
heavily fictionalized, with the Legion of the Strange replaced by the
fictitious team of mutant super-heroes called the X-Men, whose series
Marvels based on collected reports of the actual exploits of the Legion of
the Strange, much as DC Comics based their fictitious team of strange
super-heroes called the Doom Patrol upon them, as well. Other details,
such as the power levels of the Frankendroid 1, were also exaggerated.
Nevertheless, this report may have given us our only hint to date of the
actual appearance of the Ummoans, and what their dying homeworld, are
like. It's believed their homeworld was rapidly loosing all available
resources due to the growing instability of the binary star system it existed
within, and they lacked the resources to find an uninhabited planet to
terra-form to their needs, something the fascistic worldwide governmental
body ruling that world was loathe to consider anyway; to the Ummoan
governing body, it was far more expedient to simply take over a nearby,
resource-rich world whose inhabitants were technologically inferior, which
they deemed Earth to be.
Death of Kurt and Anna Van Helsing. Their remains are found in a plane
wreck along with their very frightened daughters by Kurt’s brother Conrad
Van Helsing. Puncture marks are found on the necks of the two corpses.
Birth of Michael "Mike" Nero (a.k.a., Beowolf), a mentor of the Monster
**** The ruling council of the fascist planet Ummo has been displaying an
* See Roy Thomas and Marv Wolfman's series of files entitled The
Lorimar Van Helsing contacts his younger brother H. R. Van Helsing,
Mexico El Santo defeats the plans of Dr. Freda Frankenstein (the
daughter of Dr. Irving Frankenstein) and her assistant, Dr. Yanco.
Victoria Von Frankenstein, who said the original version of the serum was
** See agent Alan Gibson’s report THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA.
Doug Moench's file "The Frankenstein Monster Meets Werewolf By Night!",
** Agent Marv Wolfman collected many records of Dracula-Prime's
exploits during the 1970s, and they were published in The Tomb of Dracula
Vol. 1 series #'s 1-70, as well as the spin-offs Giant-Size Chillers
#1/Giant-Size Dracula #'s 2-4 by Marvels Comics.
The Vampire Lord also inadvertently crossed paths with Peter Parker, the
original Spider-Man, during an incident on an ocean vessel, and this report,
entitled "Ship of Fiends", was chronicled by Len Wein in Giant-Size
Spider-Man #1, again published by Marvels Comics.
His 1970s conflict with Jack Russell, the "Werewolf by Night," was
recorded in a 2-part file entitled "Enter: Werewolf By Night," both of
which were collected by Marv Wolfman, the first of which was published in
The Tomb of Dracula Vol. 1 #18, the second of which appeared in
Werewolf By Night #15, both by Marvels Comics. They've been
reprinted in both Essential Tomb of Dracula Vol. 1 and Essential Werewolf
By Night Vol. 1.
His initial battle with the supreme sorcerer Dr. Strange was chronicled in a
2-part file entitled "The Tomb of Dr. Strange," the first of which was
recorded by Marv Wolfman in The Tomb of Dracula Vol. 1 #44, with the
second part recorded by Steve Englehart in Dr. Strange Vol. 2 #14, both
published by Marvels Comics. They were reprinted in Essential Tomb of
Dracula Vol. 2.
Additionally, many of Dracula-Prime's exploits throughout the centuries
were recorded in the magazine Dracula Lives, and these series were
followed by a second magazine version of The Tomb of Dracula (Vol. 2),
where more of his exploits were recorded by different chroniclers working
for Marvels.
*** See Bob Kelljan's file SCREAM BLACULA SCREAM.
Mexico El Santo and Blue Demon foil the plot of 113-year-old Dr. Irwin
Frankenstein, who has been transplanting the brains of women into the
skulls of other women, and vice versa. The operations fail, but instead of
disposing of the bodies secretly, Frankenstein reanimates them and
sends them out into the street.
Thank God for El Santo and Blue Demon, who thankfully both arrived to
thwart the evil scientist's plan.*
. Photo courtesy of Toho database.
Vlad Tepes himself might be the host of a force dating back to before the