This timeline was provided to MONSTAAH by our
new, mysterious, freelance operative known only as
When this young man informed me that our
MONSTAAH Timeline was overlooking many key
events that involved the supernatural creatures of
which we chronicle, we were, of course, skeptical.
However, through his persistence and initiative he
was able to show proof that secrets were being
divulged in the medium known as 'Video Games.'
How the creators of said games were able to obtain
so much information that we at MONSTAAH were not
privy to remains an enigma, as does the fact that they
reveal this dangerous knowledge in such a manner.
Whatever the case, the evidence of the accuracy of
the Acolyte's research holds up, and has caused
quite a stir amongst MONSTAAH scholars.
As we research this timeline, on an event by event
case, we will begin to incorporate it into the Main
MONSTAAH Timeline.
Until then, study the Castlevania timeline as
presented here for yourselves, and perhaps you
might find more clues to help MONSTAAH explain
any inconsistencies between this timeline and the
established MONSTAAH research.